World Eating Disorder Day of Action: Embracing Diversity in the Fight to End Eating Disorders

Earth and the International Prevalence of BED

Kirsten Haglund

Hosted by Kirsten Haglund of Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center
June 1, 2016

picture of earth from spaceEDH: Welcome to today’s #EDHchat! We are proud to have this Twitter chat in conjunction with World Eating Disorder Action Day #WeDoAct

EDH: Special thanks to @timberlinetoday for helping us make this Twitter chat possible! #WeDoAct

EDH: We would like to start by welcoming our special guest @kirstenhaglund #WeDoAct

EDH: @kirstenhaglund is former Miss America,  EDA Ambassador & Community Relations Specialist for @timberlinetoday #WeDoAct

EDH: Let’s get started with some of our questions. #WeDoAct

EDH: @kirstenhaglund Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your current role in the eating disorder community #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Hi Everyone! #WeDoAct

Kirsten: I serve as Community Relations Specialist for Timberline Knolls, doing speaking, social media and outreach. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: I’m also a proud Ambassador for NEDA, and a former Miss America. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Through my work as an Eating Disorders Recovery advocate I’ve lobbied for Eating Disorders legislation, traveled around the globe as a speaker #WeDoAct

Kirsten: I have also spoken at and worked with the UN, and appeared on various national television programs in an effort to decrease stigma and raise awareness.  #WeDoAct

EDH: @kirstenhaglund What do you think are some of the stereotypes that impact eating disorder sufferers on a global basis? #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Cultural standards of beauty and womanhood are very different depending on the region, country, or ethnic group. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: But the through-line is that each culture has standards to which individuals must adhere in order to be perceived as attractive, successful and a good mate. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: These standards have developed sometimes over centuries of cultural traditions. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Overemphasis on female purity, the restriction of female expression through dress and social participation #WeDoAct

Kirsten: As well as pressure to perform and achieve at very high levels, or to conform to certain gender roles can all be external triggers for eating disorder behavior #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Pressure to conform to the cultural body ideal, whether it is curvy, large-breasted, petite, or athletic, can trigger eating disordered behavior as well. #WeDoAct

EDH: @kirstenhaglund How do you think cultural stereotypes impact eating disorder sufferers internationally? #WeDoAct

Kirsten: The most harmful thing for those who suffer from eating disorders is a culture of suppression, which exists in many countries around the world.  #WeDoAct

Kirsten: In more collectivist (vs. individualistic) societies, individuals can feel that they will shame or dishonor their families if they admit to struggling with an eating disorder. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: In other cultures, people may be open to share, but because of the healthcare systems in their countries, may not have access to quality care, or may be forced to wait for months for treatment.

Kirsten: Globally, the stigma surrounding mental health remains a huge barrier for women to get the care they need. #WeDoAct

EDH: @kirstenhaglund What is the diversity involved with the eating disorder struggle and recovery journey? #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Many people think people that struggle with eating disorders are only rich, young, white women in America or fashion models #WeDoAct

Kirsten: This couldn’t be further from the truth! #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Eating disorders do not discriminate, and affect women and men of all ages, all religious traditions, all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, all education and income levels, all races. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: That is because eating disorders are not just about food and weight #WeDoAct

Kirsten: They involve deep underlying emotional issues within the individual and sever external pressures and environments – and these exist in every corner of the globe. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: We know through research and practice that early intervention and treatment for eating disorders saves lives #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Which is why increasing global awareness, lifting stigma, and demanding access to quality care are so vital to those that suffer all over the world. #WeDoAct

EDH: @kirstenhaglund What obstacles do eating disorder sufferers face in other countries? #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Shame, isolation from their families and communities and even violence. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: They also often face a complete lack of resources for treatment, which can lead to further physical complications of their eating disorder and even death. #WeDoAct

EDH: @kirstenhaglund What advocacy efforts can help unite a global effort to support eating disorder sufferers? #WeDoAct

Kirsten: We need to continue to spread the word on social media, and also look for diverse voices to share their stories of recovery. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: We need to band together to education not our governments about the seriousness of these illnesses #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Also advocate for better education for teachers, counselors, parents and religious leaders, and access to quality care for treatment. #WeDoAct

EDH: @kirstenhaglund How can we work together to challenge the myths and stereotypes of eating disorders around the world? #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Eating Disorders, from a global perspective, are not body-image or vanity issues. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: They are a human rights issue. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: Access to liberation from the shame and torture of an eating disorder and access to quality medical and psychiatric care for this illness is essential for human beings, no matter where they live on this planet. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: We need to be cognizant of the diversity of eating disorders and cultural influences, and make sure that we honor and elevate all voices who have battled this illness. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: A world free from stigma and the abuse of those who struggle with eating disorders is a more just world. #WeDoAct

Kirsten: We must work together to make treatment, openness and acceptance vital parts of every culture. #WeDoAct

EDH: Thank you to everyone who participated in our Twitter Chat today!  And thank you for the great insight @kirstenhaglund #WeDoAct

EDH: No matter where you are in the world today, we hope this message has brought you hope and encouragement #WeDoAct

EDH: Continue to follow #WeDoAct to learn more about how you can participate in World Eating Disorder Action Day! #WeDoAct