Within Health has revolutionized eating disorder treatment by providing highly personalized, clinical treatment in the comfort of the patient’s own home.
Powered by technology, data collection and analysis, state-of-the-art remote patient monitoring, and years of clinical experience
Custom-designed to keep you informed, connected, and cared for throughout your recovery.
The Within Health App
Multidisciplinary Care Team
Each patient has an integrated, multidisciplinary care team that consists of a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, dietician, and care partner who serves as a companion alongside the patient during the treatment
Treating every eating disorder, personally
Within Health Treatment Offerings:
Patient Types Served:
All Genders
Learn How to Get Virtual Care From the Comfort of Your Home. IOP and PHP.
Included Features
Clinically Superior
We’ve modernized established treatment protocols and combined them with decades of experience to develop a highly personalized approach.
Call for a free consultation or ask us to verify your insurance coverage.
We will help get the most out of your insurance.
Verify Your Benefits
The form you submit goes to Within Health for the purpose of verifying your health insurance benefits for use in one its IOP or PHP virtual treatment programs.
Self-Assessment Questionnaire