Eating Disorder Help for Northwestern University

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Counseling Center Information

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Searle Hall
633 Emerson Street, 2nd floor,  Evanston, IL 60208

(847)491-2151  Fax (847)467-1193

Director of Counseling – John H. Dunkle, Ph.D


  • The Eating Concerns Assessment and Treatment Team (ECATT)
  • Confidential assessment
  • Consultation with coaches, deans, residential life, faculty

northwestern campus

Eating Disorder Support Groups

Eileen Biagi, Ph.D- Team Coordinator
Northwestern University Eating Concerns Page

Northwestern Campus Resources

Evanston Campus Health Services:  847-491-8100

Chicago Campus Health Services:  312-695-8134

Health Prevention & Wellness Center:  847-491-2146

Special Events at Northwestern

Wellness is a better measure

In Pursuit of Adonis:  Male Body Image in Contemporary Culture
Dr. Robert Olivardia, Ph.D.
Monday, February 11th, 2013

Keynote event with Dr. Olivardia, co-author of the Adonis Complex, who will present on the nature and increasing prevalence of body image issues for men, including eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, anabolic steroid use, and cosmetic surgery.  A focus will be on understanding the impact of media on the development of male body image.

Zumba Party
Symphony Sanders, Instructor – Sponsored by Fitness / Wellness – Department of Athletics and Recreation
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Zumba is a fusion of Latin and international music-dance themes, with movement intervals, and easy to follow dance steps, to produce a dynamic, fun and effective workout.  Join us for the fun and exhilarating way to incorporate physical activity into your life.

Mindful Eating
Campus Chef and Campus Dietitian, Sponsored by Sodexo
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A cooking demonstration and a mindful tasting of flavorful and nutritious dishes that illustrate how easy it can be to prepare a balanced and satisfying meal for you and your friends.  Includes free dinner samples for 50 people.

The Body Affirmation Station
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Body Affirmation Station will teach you ways to love your body.  The table features activites and handouts to increase your awareness of media messages re:  appearance and ways to incorporate positive body image messages into your life. Join us in creating positive body image messages across campus.

Sponsored by: CAPS, Health Service, The Women’s Center, and The Dance Program.  These events are open to all NU students, faculty, and staff.

Common Eating Disorder Signs

Think you or a friend have an eating disorder? Learn about the signs and symptoms of eating disorders by clicking here.

Take an Eating Disorder Test

This is a free, anonymous screening tool. Check it out here.

Common Questions About Eating Disorders

How do I talk to my parents about my eating disorder?

What is the first step I should take in treating my eating disorder?

Resources & Flyers You Can Print & Use

Top 10 Tips for Eating Disorders Recovery (PDF)

Find Treatment for Eating Disorders near Northwestern University

Eating Disorder Treatment in Illinois

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on July 17, 2013
Published on, Online Eating Disorders Guide

About Northwestern University

Northwestern University, located in Evanston, Illinois, is a prestigious private research institution known for its academic excellence and contributions to various fields of research. With a beautiful 240-acre campus, the university provides top-notch facilities, extensive libraries, and leading research centers to support a diverse range of academic programs. Northwestern University’s tight-knit and inclusive community attracts students from different backgrounds and interests. With over 500 student organizations, NCAA Division I sports teams, and a thriving arts and cultural scene, the university offers students an immersive and fulfilling college experience.

Quick Tips

From Cafeteria to Kitchen: Cooking Tips for College Students

Transitioning from cafeteria meals to cooking for yourself in college can be a rewarding and budget-friendly choice. Here are some cooking tips to help college students make the most of their kitchen experience:

  1. Plan Simple Meals: Start with easy-to-make recipes that require minimal ingredients and cooking time. Gradually expand your repertoire as you gain confidence.
  2. Stock the Basics: Keep essential pantry staples like pasta, rice, canned vegetables, and spices on hand. These versatile items form the basis of many meals.
  3. Learn Basic Cooking Techniques: Master fundamental cooking techniques like boiling, sautéing, and baking. These skills open the door to a wide range of recipes.
  4. Meal Prep: Dedicate a few hours each week to meal prep. Cook in batches and store leftovers for future meals to save time and effort.
  5. Experiment with Flavors: Explore different herbs, spices, and sauces to enhance the taste of your dishes. Don’t be afraid to get creative.
  6. Healthy Choices: Prioritize balanced meals with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid excessive processed foods.
  7. Online Resources: Utilize online recipe websites and cooking videos for inspiration and guidance.
  8. Budget-Friendly Shopping: Plan your grocery list and stick to a budget. Look for discounts, sales, and store-brand options.
  9. Kitchen Safety: Familiarize yourself with kitchen safety practices, such as proper food handling and knife safety.
  10. Enjoy the Process: Cooking can be a fun and fulfilling experience. Invite friends to join you, experiment with new dishes, and savor the results.

Learning to cook in college empowers you to make healthier choices, save money, and develop a valuable life skill. With practice and a willingness to explore, you’ll find that cooking can be an enjoyable part of your college journey.

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