The Eating Disorders Clinical Pocket Guide: Quick Reference for Healthcare Providers, Second Edition

Jessica Setnick

January 01, 2013

ISBN-10 ‏: ‎  0980033446

Jessica Setnick. The Eating Disorders Clinical Pocket Guide: Quick Reference for Healthcare Providers, Second Edition. Understanding Nutrition, 2013.

The original Eating Disorders Clinical Pocket Guide sold thousands of copies through Word of Mouth alone! Now the easy to reference goldmine of tables, advice, and guidelines is Revised and Updated to include more of what you love, plus the new DSM-5 eating disorder diagnostic criteria and ICD-10 codes. Other updates: more on athletes with eating disorders, compulsive exercise, bariatric surgery, diabulimia, and other recent developments.

Appropriate for those who specialize in eating disorders, but especially for those who don’t, and spectacular for students and interns interested in the field; The Eating Disorders Clinical Pocket Guide combines the most up to date references on eating disorders with specialized info you can’t get anywhere else.