beat: beating eating disorders

Beat is the UK’s only nationwide organization supporting people affected by eating disorders and campaigning on their behalf. Beat’s vision is that eating disorders will be beaten.

Our mission is:

  • To change the way everyone thinks and talks about eating disorders
  • To improve the way services and treatments are provided
  • To help anyone believe that their eating disorder can be beaten

We do this by:

  • Challenging the stigma that people with eating disorders face
  • Campaigning for better services and treatment
  • Providing information, support and encouragement to seek recovery

Beat- beating eating disorders is a manifesto, a call to action and a message of hope. Our activities are designed to increase knowledge, awareness and understanding of eating disorders; to provide support, help and information to people directly affected; and to increase the understanding and skills of professional staff.

We run telephone help-lines; local support groups; and a website at with information, messages boards and on-line chat.

We provide training, conferences and professional development for staff working in health, education and social care.

We collaborate with researchers and clinicians to improve eating disorders treatment and services. We are committed to evidence based treatment, to empowering families to be active partners in recovery and the engage people affected by eating disorders in all aspects of their treatment and care.

103 Prince of Wales Road

+44 300 123 3355

Last Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on April 25, 2012

Page last updated: June 12, 2012
Published on, Resources & Information for Disordered Eating