Male Dancers and Eating Disorders

Two people doing drama therapy for binge eating disorder

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope

It is understood that eating disorders are complex mental illnesses that develop as a result of many factors coming together under the right conditions. There is no singular event, circumstance, or person who can be solely responsible for the progression of eating disorders.

In light of this truth, it is helpful to examine the many biological, environmental, social, and psychological factors that can influence an eating disorder in men, teenagers, or adolescent boys.

When a Sport Emphasizes a Certain Body Size

Certain sports and athletic activities that emphasize a certain body size or that hyper-focus on body image make trigger eating disorder behaviors in men who are susceptible or biologically predisposed to having an eating disorder. Among these types of athletic activities for males includes dancing.

Professional male dancers masterfully balance an art of strength and delicacy, which can be observed through various forms of dance. Some dance forms, more than others, may accentuate a particular body structure, size, or even weight, which can be detrimental to the man who may already be struggling with an eating disorder or susceptible to developing one.

How Attempts to Lose Weight Can Spiral Out of Control

If strides are taken in attempt to lose weight for the purpose of dance, this can quickly plummet to a dangerous mindset and destructive behaviors. This may include restricting caloric intake, cutting out food groups altogether, avoiding social functions that involve food, binging and purging, and more.

dance-430554_640Attempting weight loss can be instigated by several means and justified on the terms of a successful dancing career. However, when health is compromised, it is crucial to exam one’s behaviors carefully.

Seeking Adequate Care to Remain Healthy

As a male dancer, you have likely achieved much success through your athleticism and physical capabilities. If you have struggled with an eating disorder as well, it is important that you are seeking adequate care and help to manage this mental illness.

Eating disorders can lead to severe consequences and can even prove fatal. If you find yourself struggling but are not sure where to turn to for help, begin by confiding in a trusted family member, friend, coach, or mentor. Your health and wellness should always be a priority and maintained above all else to keep you reaching your full potential in life.

Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!

What do you think are the unique challenges that male dancers face? What factors do you think make a male dancer more susceptible to developing an eating disorder?

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on June 2nd, 2015
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