How are Research Studies Initiated?

Treatment Team

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope/Addiction Hope

Research studies are an important part of the evolution, development, and progression of the eating disorder community. Like ass great ideas and important projects, there is a starting point, and research studies are no exception.

Research studies typically begin with a question, an inquiry about a specific problem or topic. For scientists studying eating disorders, the question pursued for research may be something that was spurred by other research in the field that has left open opportunities, something discovered in an area of study, a follow up from a previous study, a specialty interest and more.

Who Starts a Research Study?

Some research studies are directed by a team within an academic setting, such as a teaching hospital, clinical program or university, and are led under the guidance of staff personal, such as doctors specialized in the area, advisors, and more.

Researchers who are interested in conducting their own research typically lead investigator-research studies and are able to fulfill the requirements needed to complete their studies. These researchers may work under a clinical/academic setting or independently.

A company or organization that wants to have a product developed or tested initiates other research studies. For example, this may be a pharmaceutical company looking to test a newly developed drug. These organizations may reach out to a group of researchers whose area of study may be aligned to the product developed.

The General Structure of Research

Doctor and patientRegardless of how researcher studies are initiated, the general structure of research is typically the same. Research studies are initiated to address a broader question or area of interest and then narrowed down to one that can reasonably be analyzed in a research project.

Researchers then formulate a hypothesis or focus question and proceed with experimentation to begin to understand and analyze the question. As data as collected, researchers begin to formulate conclusions that are used in attempt to address the question begin studied.

Research studies are crucial to the progression of eating disorder awareness, treatment, and prevention. Identifying the framework of how research studies are initiated can give greater appreciation for this important piece of the eating disorder community.

Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!

Are you a researcher in the eating disorder academic community? If so, how were your studies initiated, and what tools and resources were helpful in supporting the completion of your study?

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on July 17th, 2015
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